Summer without hepatitis A: jaundice prevention
Jaundice (Botkin's disease) or hepatitis A is a seasonal disease. It is in the summer…

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"Incompatible" illness: why it is important to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures
Proctologist - a doctor to whom patients are reluctantly recorded, and most often only if…


Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…


"Caught" tick: how to remove an insect without harm to health
Camping, unfortunately, often spoils insects - especially ticks. This year they are especially active and…

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life contraindicated cow

From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach

The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is endoscopy. This procedure not only allows you to diagnose a number of diseases in the early stages, but in some cases even save lives! Some people are afraid of this procedure and are horrified when the doctor prescribes endoscopy of the stomach and intestines (or gastroduodenopia – endoscopy, which is essentially the same thing). Although this procedure can not be called pleasant, it lasts only a few minutes, but then the doctor has a complete understanding of your problem and will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.
When it is necessary to pass EGD Continue reading

Why appoint an ultrasound of the male reproductive system

Ultrasound is a diagnostic method using ultrasound, during which a specialist uses a special sensor to scan the kidneys, prostate and bladder in order to identify possible pathologies. In carrying out a full ultrasound (ultrasound diagnosis) of the prostate gland and the scrotum organs in order to prevent diseases of the sexual sphere needs every man who has crossed the forty-year age line.
Factors negatively affecting men’s health Continue reading

Allergy to breast milk in children: symptoms and risk factors

Milk is a useful product that contains calcium, various vitamins and minerals, rich in proteins and fats. However, milk is not always useful for children, and in some babies (about 10% of the total) milk allergy is present. How to understand that this problem is just about your child?
Why is there an allergy to milk protein?
The protein that is part of the cow’s milk, falling into the body, breaks down into separate elements, which are usually well digested. However, in children, the digestive system is immature, and they may not have the necessary enzymes to split the protein. Continue reading

Should I treat allergic rhinitis?
Allergies and rhinitis caused by various allergens are often not perceived as a serious problem.…


Butterfly children: how to help the sick with severe skin ailment?
A child is an innocent being who deserves only attention, love and hope for a…
