From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach
The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is…

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Butterfly children: how to help the sick with severe skin ailment?
A child is an innocent being who deserves only attention, love and hope for a…


Tetanus: be careful in the country
In the summer, in the midst of the summer season, you need to be especially…


Why a woman is pregnant
Some women generally think that having to know about their pregnancy is optional. Others on…

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outpatient basis

Temperature 37.2 – reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile

A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can be “declared” by a slightly increased body temperature. Low-grade fever (37-37.5 ° C) can last for several weeks or months, but does not bother the person. Meanwhile, subfebrile condition can be a symptom of a sluggish inflammatory process or a serious disease.
Body temperature: norm and deviation
So what is the norm and deviation from it, if we are talking about the temperature of the human body? The classic normal temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 ° C. However, these indicators are not always stable and may change under the influence of a number of factors. And this does not mean that something is wrong with you. Temperatures can vary from 35.5 to 37.4 ° C due to the influence of climate, biological rhythms, and time of day. Continue reading

What is botulism?

Botulism is an acute toxic and infectious disease in which severe damage to the human nervous system occurs. The causative agent of botulism is in the intestine of animals, birds, fish, and from there it gets back to the soil and water. Bacteria of botulism, called anaerobes, live exclusively in places where there is no air, and therefore badly washed, uncleaned, hermetically packaged food is extremely dangerous.
The main danger of botulism is that the toxin blocks the respiratory function of a person, the lack of oxygen provokes the disruption of the work of all internal organs. Botulinum toxin is the most potent biological poison in the world, it is hundreds of thousands times more dangerous than poison, for example, rattlesnake. However, it quickly loses its harmful properties during heating and boiling. Continue reading

Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections

Rabies is a deadly disease that, in almost 100% of cases, is fatal (there are only a few cases of recovery from it and it is not fully confirmed that the patient had just rabies). This is a viral infectious disease in which the human nervous system is severely affected.
How can you get rabies?
The rabies virus is found in the urine, saliva and tears of infected animals, after it enters the human body, it quickly infects the nervous system. A patient may have signs of cerebral edema, hemorrhage, and death of nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain.
A person can become infected with rabies from a sick animal, and both from a wild and domestic one. According to the World Health Organization, in 99% of cases, dogs are the source of infection, but cats, pigs, horses, cows, foxes, etc. can be dangerous. Continue reading

Stop diet: how easy it is to lose weight on fasting days
Summer is the best time to enrich your diet and lose weight without diets. In…


Stop diet: how easy it is to lose weight on fasting days
Summer is the best time to enrich your diet and lose weight without diets. In…
