From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach
The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is…

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What is botulism?
Botulism is an acute toxic and infectious disease in which severe damage to the human…


What causes inflamed lymph nodes on the neck?
Lymph nodes are the basic components of the human lymphatic system responsible for the production…


Why appoint an ultrasound of the male reproductive system
Ultrasound is a diagnostic method using ultrasound, during which a specialist uses a special sensor…

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What is angina and how to treat it?

When we hear the word “treatment”, we understand that we are talking about the illness of a person who needs help. It is possible to apply treatment when its cause is established, for example, ill-fated sore throat. So, the diagnosis is. What can help in the prevention of angina and, of course, in the treatment? We undertake this process, but not by ourselves, but with the help of a doctor. Self-treatment is a complete ban! Although for some of the symptoms, you can determine whether it is exactly a sore throat, and then provide yourself with first aid.
How do we imagine this?
Sore throat does not always talk about sore throat. Continue reading

Rubella: for whom a childhood illness can be dangerous?

Rubella is a viral infectious disease that occurs quite easily in childhood, but harder in adulthood. Rubella is especially dangerous during pregnancy, because it causes severe malformations in the fetus and may even lead to its death.
What you need to know about rubella?
Rubella is a very contagious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. You can also become infected through household items, but worst of all, this virus is transmitted from a pregnant woman to the fetus. The patient is contagious about a week before the appearance of the first rash and this is another week after the onset of the rash. If a person does not have specific immunity to rubella developed by an illness or vaccines, the probability of getting sick after contact with a rubella patient is 90% or even higher. Continue reading

Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?

The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning increased. In the heat, food spoils much faster, and if, in addition, you have not roasted meat for shashlik or poorly washed vegetables, then the long-awaited outdoor recreation can result in vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), etc.
What to do when food poisoning
If after eating food, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then urgently need medical assistance. Especially if, in addition to these symptoms, the body temperature rose above 38 degrees, and chills began: such signs indicate a serious intestinal infection. Continue reading

The main summer allergens: prevention and treatment of pollinosis
Summer, like spring, is the season of flowering of many plants. It is pollen in…


What Is Meningococcal Infection? Why is she so dangerous?
Meningococcal infection is potentially fatal, the diseases it provokes are considered in medicine as an…
