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What causes inflamed lymph nodes on the neck?

Lymph nodes are the basic components of the human lymphatic system responsible for the production of immune cells. These immune cells neutralize viruses that penetrate the human body from the environment. Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck is a condition that is accompanied by many infectious diseases and some pathogens.
Why are the lymph nodes on the neck inflamed?
Lymph nodes located in the neck area are responsible for the processes that occur in the soft tissues of the neck and face, mouth and ears, therefore the most common causes of their inflammation are:
Infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract and mouth: ARI, flu, tonsillitis, chickenpox, stomatitis, otitis, etc.
Violation of the immunity. A large number of pathogenic cells in the body can be associated with not fully cured diseases, overcooling, lack of vitamins, strong stress.
Reproduction of lymph tissue in cancer cells.
Random mechanical damage and injury to the lymph nodes or tissues around it.
Sometimes lymph nodes in the neck area are enlarged and inflamed due to metabolic disorders, thyroid disease, allergies, chronic alcoholism.
Diagnosis of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes
The following symptoms help to diagnose inflammation:
nodes visually increased;
lymph nodes become either too rigid or too soft (this happens when they accumulate pus);
it hurts to touch them;
swallow becomes painful;
redness of the skin appears in the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node;
present general weakness, apathy;
the temperature may rise;
there are headaches.
Treatment of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes in the neck region
First, determine the cause of inflammation. Often, lymph nodes react so well to other illnesses. It will be useful to take measures to strengthen immunity so that it responds better and more effectively to diseases that are infectious in nature.
The treatment of the lymph nodes is intended for the condition of connective tissue diseases. In this case, the doctor can use ultrahigh-frequency therapy (UHF). This technique is physiotherapeutic, with its help the body is affected by the electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can only be taken at the appointment of a doctor. Antibiotic therapy is performed only if the illness originates from bacterial infection into the body and in the presence of purulent complications. Probably even surgical intervention, if these complications are very difficult. This way deprive the lymph nodes from the manure.
Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in children
Infants of the lymph nodes on the neck are often seen in children aged 5 to 7 years. This is due to the fact that the lymphatic system is not yet fully formed, and therefore, the function of the barrier performs to an incomplete extent. An increase in lymph nodes speaks of the struggle of the child’s body with pathogens of infection. To determine the cause, you need to have a doctor’s appointment.
Lymph nodes on the neck are one of many natural “mirrors” of our health. It is impossible to ignore the fact of their increase, but do not panic. Only the doctor and his analyzes will help identify the true cause of inflammatory processes. In most cases, lymph node enlargement is only a consequence of a particular illness that needs to be cured.

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