Varicocele – the cause of male infertility: how to treat the disease
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord or varicocele is one of the causes of male infertility. By itself, this pathology in most cases does not bother the man, varicocele is often detected in adolescents during puberty. In men, varicose veins of the spermatic cord are diagnosed quite often, in 10-15% of cases of andrological diseases. Although the disease does not affect the sexual functions of men, but it makes it impossible to conceive a child. In addition, sometimes varicocele is accompanied by pain and unaesthetic appearance of the testicle, so in any case it is better to treat the disease.
Why does infertility occur with varicocele?
Anatomical features often lead to the expansion of the spermatic cord, but varicocele can also develop due to prolonged excessive loads, increased intra-abdominal pressure, and constant squeezing of the renal veins. Enlarged veins affect the functioning of the venous valves, resulting in impaired blood circulation in the testicle. If the disease is not treated, then the venous network becomes larger, and leads to the fact that the testicle overheats.
For normal sperm production, a lower temperature is needed, and, in addition, with varicocele, an inflammatory process that develops in the testicular tissues also leads to impaired spermatogenesis. If a man does not plan to have children and is not accompanied by varicocele with pain, then conservative treatment is recommended. In order to avoid the risk of developing persistent infertility, surgical treatment is recommended: when varicocele is detected in childhood or adolescence, experts advise not to delay treatment, in order to avoid the development of irreversible changes in testicular tissues.
Modern methods of surgical treatment of varicocele
In addition to the surgical treatment of infertility with varicocele, surgical treatment can be indicated for severe pain in the testicle, an unaesthetic form, and in the diagnosis of the disease in childhood, testicular development can occur. There are several types of surgical treatment for varicocele: for example, the Ivanisevich operation involves tying the veins of the testicle and is characterized by a long rehabilitation period (physical activity is especially contraindicated). Laparoscopic techniques and endovascular vascular embolization are also used.
But the most benign and progressive method of removing varicose veins is an operation according to the method of Marmar. With the help of such a surgical treatment, the removal of dilated veins occurs through a micro incision in the groin area. The wound is sutured with a cosmetic suture, which is almost imperceptible.
What is the advantage of Marmara technique
During treatment according to the Marmara method, the man’s reproductive functions are preserved (restored), an excellent cosmetic result is also achieved. This method allows to reduce the time of the operation, the period of rehabilitation, and also eliminates the risk of complications. An operation is performed on an outpatient basis and on the same day the patient can return home, the next day you can already perform light types of work and physical exertion.
If you are looking for professionals for treating varicocele or other urological and andrological diseases, then the public registry of medical institutions of Ukraine will help you to make the right choice: if you make it difficult for you to choose, then contact our consultants for free help.