Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself
Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can be of several types, but today let’s talk about the depriving infectious nature. The source of infection can be not only a sick person, but also an animal, the soil on which the causative agents of the disease fell. In the summer, the risk of picking up the lichen increases, so it is important to know the “enemy by sight”.
How to understand what it is exactly?
It is impossible to give a 100% correct diagnosis to yourself, you are not a dermatologist and you hardly have a laboratory at your place to do research and analyzes. Therefore, the worst thing that can be done in the case of any skin disease is to self-medicate. However, a number of symptoms that are characteristic of depriving you will help to suspect an infectious skin disease: so you can take a number of measures so as not to infect others or get infected yourself, noticing someone has the following symptoms:
The appearance of dark or light spots throughout the body
Peeling, inflammation and itching of such spots, while the general state of health does not worsen
Red or pink spots, or a ring on the scalp, neck or face (ringworm).
Depending on the type of the disease, the appearance of skin lesions and their location will differ. For example, with shingles, painful blisters appear in the areas of passage of the nerve trunks, often between the ribs. This type of lichen is caused by the herpes virus, which already lives in the human body. With a number of factors, such as stress, reduced immunity, etc., the disease takes on a skin form. Non-infectious deprivation is psoriasis: it most often affects the elbows, knees and other large joints and is not contagious.
How can you get infectious lichen
Most often, zoster is caused by micro-fungi, which also have several species and live in the soil, on human skin and / or animal hair. Symptoms of this disease appear quite quickly. Unlike viral lichen. Viruses can be in the body for years and with a weakening of the immunity to make itself felt (the same shingles or lichen rosacea).
Deprive, caused by fungi (ringworm, scaly) easily picked up when in contact with an infected animal or person. Therefore, ironing and touching homeless animals on the street is dangerous: the most trying to contact with animals are kids. Washing hands with soap will help in such cases also will not become infected with worms, microorganisms, and not just fungi. But homeless people, and especially wild animals and birds – squirrels, pigeons, hedgehogs, etc. do not touch at all. You can also pick up a fungal infection on the beach or in the shower, using someone else’s towels, shoes – the same rubber slippers, etc.
Treatment and prevention of herpes
To avoid infection with the fungal lichen, you should try not to contact the source of the infection. In order to prevent pink or shingles from appearing, it is important to have a strong immunity, to treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. His treatment will also depend on the type of herring: it is possible to remove the lesions from the skin with timely access to a dermatologist within 1-3 weeks.
The more neglected the condition, the longer the treatment. The danger of depriving another is that a bacterial infection can join the affected skin, then the treatment will last for months. Basically ointments are used topically, vitamins are prescribed to strengthen the body’s defenses. It is also important to pay more attention to hygiene, to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and not to give up the treatment.