Vitamin D – the main medicine of the summer
Summer is a great time for healing the body with the gifts of nature, which are rich in vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and other useful substances. Of course, in the frosty season, you can also get from the multivitamins the whole complex of micro and macro elements, with the exception of one – vitamin D. Because this unique component that combines functions of both vitamin and hormone, unlike other vitamins consumed with food, produced in the human body independently, but it is under the influence of sunlight.
Well, in the midst of the hot season, each of us has the opportunity to please your body with vitamin D and thus prevent many serious diseases.
Vitamin D – nature’s concern for man
In the “sunshine vitamin”, our ancestors are not particularly
needed because they received it in full, staying most of the time in the fresh air under the open sun. Therefore, the need for calciferol arose only in the 20th century. Fat-soluble vitamin D was synthesized only in the 30s of the last century, when it was discovered five varieties – D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5.
Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) are most important for human health: both of these substances are resistant to high temperatures and water, and are soluble only in fats and organic compounds. A different name for vitamin D, calciferol, which ancient healers reasoned for, was fully justified: the fact is that vitamin D is directly involved in the absorption and absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Having studied this process, the doctors of the era of antiquity, Soran Efessky (98–138 AD) and Galen (131–211 AD), spoke in their treatises about the irreplaceable role of calciferol, the lack of which leads to rickets — a violation of phosphorus -calcium metabolism and, as a result, a slowdown in physical development and improper bone formation. Centuries later, to be exact – in 1928, Adolf Vindaus discovered 7-dehydrocholesterol – the predecessor of vitamin D, which in 1937 isolated from the surface layers of pig’s skin under the influence of UVA. This outstanding discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Since then, scientists have actively studied the “solar vitamin”, defining its fundamental importance in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, first of all, vitamin D is necessary to prevent rickets in children and osteoporosis (decreased bone density and increased likelihood of fractures, which in most cases affects the fair sex during menopause. Dear ladies who hide from the sun on the beach, you should keep in mind , that lack of vitamin D is caused by skin defects – dryness, peeling, etc.
Adjusting the balance of calcium in the body and phosphorus in the blood, vitamin D does not allow for muscle weakness, which is an excellent preparation of the body for physical exertion. The high level of calciferol itself in the blood reduces the risk of tumor formation (prostate cancer, breast cancer) and normalizes clotting.
It is the level of vitamin D (blood test) that makes it possible to predict the life expectancy of a patient suffering from AIDS. By the way, calciferol strengthens the protective functions of the body (immunity), being an effective prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, normalizing blood pressure in pregnant women, and thyroid gland pathologies.
As you can see, radiant vitamin D is essential for all – from small to large, which the sun warms warmly.
Vitamin D: the need and contraindications, the norm and sources
Solar vitamin is indispensable for human health and beauty, so it must constantly be ingested, especially in certain pathological conditions.
Considering the main actions of calciferol, it is easy to understand that experts prescribe vitamin D in the following diseases: arthritis, rickets, osteoporosis, bone fractures, hypoparathyreosis (hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia) and hyperparathyroidism (excessive production of parathyroid hormone due to ovidopathy and ophthalmic swelling, ophthalmic swelling, ophthalmopathy, ovidopropyremia) chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, tuberculosis, psoriasis, etc. Increased need for vitamin D is observed in the case of habitat in the zone of high pollution of the atmosphere or high latitudes. Calciferol is also extremely important for workers at night shifts and for the sick, whose stay in the fresh air in the sun is impossible.
In addition, the need and digestibility of vitamin D is determined individually – by skin color. Because the need for calciferol shows the level of melanin – a natural dark pigment in the skin and hair. The lower the melanin content, the brighter the skin and hair of the person and the simpler and faster the production of vitamin D. Accordingly, the synthesis of calciferol is underestimated among the representatives of the Negroid race, as well as among highly tanned lovers of seaside resorts. Also, scientists have found that the ability to convert provitamins to vitamin D in elderly people is reduced.