adverse effects
Whooping cough: what is this disease and how to avoid it
Whooping cough is an infectious disease in which the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed and there is a strong, long-lasting, paroxysmal cough. The disease is usually acute, it is extremely dangerous for young children (especially under the age of 1 year). Most often, whooping cough is ill for children under 5 years of age who were not vaccinated in time.
The causative agent of pertussis is the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, infection occurs through airborne droplets. The bacterium secretes toxins, and they, in turn, irritate the respiratory mucosa. The result is a spasm of the bronchi and diaphragm, which leads to strong coughing attacks. Whooping cough is very contagious, especially during contact with patients from day 1 to day 25 of the disease. It is noteworthy that the immunity after suffering whooping cough is often lifelong.
Symptoms of the disease Continue reading
Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not immune from this disease. March 24, World Tuberculosis Day. Since 1995 in the country, this disease has the character of an epidemic.
Also on March 24, phthisiatricians celebrate their professional holiday – doctors who are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for each of us on this day to once again recall what is tuberculosis and how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this serious disease.
Tuberculosis can be dangerous for everyone.
Koch’s mycobacterium causes the disease: this pathogen is named after the bacteriologist R. Koch, who discovered the tubercle bacillus as early as 1882. Continue reading
Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections
Rabies is a deadly disease that, in almost 100% of cases, is fatal (there are only a few cases of recovery from it and it is not fully confirmed that the patient had just rabies). This is a viral infectious disease in which the human nervous system is severely affected.
How can you get rabies?
The rabies virus is found in the urine, saliva and tears of infected animals, after it enters the human body, it quickly infects the nervous system. A patient may have signs of cerebral edema, hemorrhage, and death of nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain.
A person can become infected with rabies from a sick animal, and both from a wild and domestic one. According to the World Health Organization, in 99% of cases, dogs are the source of infection, but cats, pigs, horses, cows, foxes, etc. can be dangerous. Continue reading