What is enterovirus infection? How to deal with it?
Enterovirus infections are groups of diseases that arise from the introduction of an RNA-containing virus…

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Feeling of dryness in the mouth and in the eyes - signs of Sjogren's syndrome
Dry mouth and the so-called dry eye syndrome are signs of many diseases, but if…


Pneumonia: how not to miss pneumonia
In patients with pneumonia, the “classic” history of the disease: caught a cold, was treated,…


Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself
Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can…

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localized mainly

What Is Meningococcal Infection? Why is she so dangerous?

Meningococcal infection is potentially fatal, the diseases it provokes are considered in medicine as an emergency. For example, it causes the bacterial form of meningitis, as well as a number of other extremely dangerous diseases.
What should I know about meningococcal infection?
Meningococcal infection has been known since ancient times. About it is mentioned in vIIst. BC, and the first more or less detailed description was given in the middle of the XVII century. This is a bacterium that is transmitted by airborne droplets from person to person. The infection can spread from the throat through the flow of blood to the human brain, which is most dangerous. A person can be a carrier of meningococcal infection, not guessing about it, and infect others while staying healthy. Continue reading

What Is Haemophilus Infection? What kind of dangerous illness does it cause?
Hemophilic infection is an infection caused by a type B bacillis, hence it has another…


Prevention of infectious diseases: how to protect yourself and your family
Many of the diseases that cause viruses, fungi or bacteria that have entered our bodies…
