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“Incompatible” illness: why it is important to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Proctologist – a doctor to whom patients are reluctantly recorded, and most often only if there are serious negative symptoms. The reluctance to contact a specialist after the detection of the first signs of the disease is due to some inconvenience that people experience during the inspection. At the same time, timely consultation of the proctologist and the prescribed therapeutic course would allow him to quickly resolve such a problem as an anal fissure or hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of proctologic diseases
Many proctologic diseases have a similar symptomatology. To the doctor the proctologist should be registered at occurrence of such symptoms:
pain during emptying of the intestine
false claims for bowel movements;
presence of mucous, purulent or bloody secretions from the rectum;
chronic constipation;
uncomfortable sensation in the anal area (itching, irritation);
abdominal distension (meteorism), diarrhea (diarrhea);
the appearance of thickening (cones) in the anus;
anemia (anemia).
Why is it important not to postpone a visit to a doctor? Because the anal canal is the source of infection, and any damage to the intestinal mucosa can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In the absence of treatment, this leads to the formation of purulent areas and large ulcers. After examination and diagnosis, the proctologist will appoint a treatment regimen ─ therapeutic, surgical or combined.
Causes of anal fissures and hemorrhoids
Anal fracture is third, after colitis and hemorrhoids, in the structure of proctologic diseases. The causes of the pathology are the disruption of the blood supply to the anal canal is a consequence:
sedentary lifestyle (hypodynamia);
chronic constipation
difficult childbirth;
injuries (tissue damage by an alien body).
You same causes can promote the development of hemorrhoids – a disease caused by a pathological increase in internal and external hemorrhoidal plexuses located in the anal canal. Also, the causes of hemorrhoids are:
Hereditary weakness of the veins
Excessive exercise that causes excessive muscle tension
Obesity and diabetes mellitus
Pregnancy and childbirth
The habit of staying in the toilet for a long time.
Often the anal cracks are treated simultaneously with hemorrhoids and other diseases of the anal canal.
Treatment of proctologic diseases by laser
In the initial stages of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, conservative treatment helps, and it is necessary to adjust the functioning of the intestine (if there are constipation), physical activity if a person is sitting a lot during the day. Running stages of proctologic diseases are treated surgically. One of the most advanced methods for treating hemorrhoids and anal fissures is laser surgery. The laser beam focuses on the pathology area without destroying the neighboring healthy tissues. Among the main advantages of the technique, it should be noted:
painlessness, lack of blood loss;
no edema after surgery;
short recovery period;
the minimum risk of tissue infection.
Patients who adhere to the recommendations of the physician in the postoperative period, there is no complication. The main rules are compliance with hygiene and diet offered by a specialist. It is impossible to raise gravity, to actively engage in sports a week after the procedure. You can choose a clinic for treatment of proctologic diseases or you can register for a preliminary consultation with a proctologist through the public register of medical institutions of Ukraine. If it is difficult for you to choose a clinic yourself, then contact our consultants for free assistance.

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