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Bronchial asthma: modern treatment methods

The incidence of asthma in Ukraine is increasing every year, especially among children. Where does such data come from, if medical statistics based on appeals to medical institutions only mean that only 3% of Ukrainians suffer from this disease?
Are we facing asthma?
The fact of the matter is that the real incidence rate of these data does not reflect: according to the Association of Allergologists of Ukraine, official data reflect only every 20th patient with allergic reactions, including asthma. That’s because even with pronounced symptoms of allergies and asthma – coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc., people do not go to doctors. The disease is diagnosed in severe form, when serious health problems begin.
Meanwhile, the early diagnosis of allergic diseases, the identification of allergens and the correctly chosen therapy helps to get rid of not only the allergy symptoms that spoil our lives, but also to avoid the development of asthma. Indeed, in most cases asthma is caused by allergic reactions that a person ignores. Especially sad are the facts of child morbidity: every year there are 2% more babies diagnosed with this ailment. And the mortality from asthma in Ukraine is one of the highest among European countries.
Why people are afraid of diagnosing and treating asthma
By underestimating the seriousness of allergies, we endanger our health and the health of our children. This is a feature of our mentality – not the prevention of diseases, but their treatment, especially in the advanced stage. It is then that difficulties arise, the treatment becomes more expensive. Also for successful disposal for any disease that has an allergic nature, it is important to limit (and ideally exclude) contact with the allergen. Therefore, diagnostics and identification of provoking factors, and not only drug therapy, play an important role in successfully combating allergies and asthma.
The second point that causes people with already diagnosed asthma to refuse treatment is the outdated methods of basic therapy. According to experts, until the last moment hormonal drugs (inhalers or tablets with glucocorticosteroids) were used in Ukraine: in order to control the disease, stop its progression and prevent the development of severe bronchial asthma, it is important not to interrupt the basic therapy. But many patients or parents of small patients with asthma are categorically against hormonal drugs, so they refuse treatment.
How to treat bronchial asthma today
Modern methods of treatment of bronchial asthma include both basic therapy with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, as well as alternative treatment technologies. For the treatment of bronchial asthma, inpatient and outpatient treatment programs are used, which are developed individually for each patient and are based on diagnostic data and indicators of his health.
With the help of individual asthma treatment programs, you can not only get rid of attacks of breathlessness, difficulty breathing, coughing, etc., but also normalize the excretory system, restore the functions of the liver, intestines, lungs and other internal organs that are exposed to the negative effects of allergens. If you are looking for professionals for the treatment of bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases, then the public registry of medical institutions of Ukraine will help you to make the right choice: if you make it difficult for you to choose, then contact our consultants for free help.

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