Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections
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Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections
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Why a woman is pregnant

Some women generally think that having to know about their pregnancy is optional. Others on the contrary – having learned that they will become a mother, begins to look for clinics and a doctor for pregnancy. Many couples, on the contrary, plan only how their child will have a baby and want to prepare the body of their future mother for this responsible and far-reaching period … Let’s understand what such maintenance / pregnancy is and why there is such a medical service at all.
What are the pros and cons of women’s counseling
It is convenient for many women to register for pregnancy in a woman’s consultation at their place of residence. This is advantageous if you live near, besides, a number of diagnostic tests guaranteed by the state package of free medical services will be free of charge for you. But pregnancy is not only a medical and diagnostic measure, the purpose of which is to bring and give birth to a healthy infant. Pregnant women also need information, and very often – psychological support, not only medical documentation, maternity “hospital”, etc.
As part of the medreform, pregnancy can now also be a family doctor, whom you can choose on your own and conclude an agreement with him. In case of occurrence of situations, when the medical aid of a specialized specialist – a gynecologist or obstetrician, a geneticist, etc., you will be sent to the same woman’s consultation (LC). Given the large number of patients in the LCD, an individual approach to doing precisely your pregnancy can leave your doctor free of time. In addition, you will have to adapt to a fixed schedule of specialists LCD. An alternative can be a private clinic, where you choose a doctor, consultation time, the number of visits to the doctor, and the possibility of online counseling or support by telephone.
Medical support for pregnancy in private clinics
It’s no secret that women in the state housing and maternity wards still pay for a range of services, so more and more future mothers are selected for private pregnancy and future births by private clinics. Private specialized clinics have modern equipment not only for “ordinary” ultrasound, but also for perinatal diagnosis of birth defects. Also, choosing a private clinic to accompany a pregnancy, a woman can always change the doctor, turn to a specialist in a narrow profile if necessary in the same clinic, since professional medical centers offering pregnancy support always have in the staff of specialists of all specialties necessary for assessing the status of women on at all stages of her pregnancy.
Its own clinical and diagnostic laboratories with modern equipment allow private clinics to quickly obtain the result of an important analysis. Here the woman will also offer psychological support, childcare education, postpartum follow-up. Many private clinics operate a system of discounts and have the opportunity to pay for consultations and diagnosis in stages.
What to look for when choosing a clinic for pregnancy
In addition to reviews of the clinic, the experience of its work in the medical market and the scope of the scope of the diagnostic services provided, pay attention to the staff of doctors. Especially if you have any chronic illness, there is a risk of not pregnancy or other pathology. In such cases, you need a clinic where specialist experts accompany pregnancy in women, for example, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine problems, etc. If it is difficult for you to choose a clinic for your pregnancy, you can apply for free assistance to our consultants or use the public register of medical institutions in Ukraine.

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