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Prevention of infectious diseases: how to protect yourself and your family
Many of the diseases that cause viruses, fungi or bacteria that have entered our bodies can be simply avoided. For example, intestinal infections most often affect people due to non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. It is more complicated with airborne microorganisms: nobody is insured against flu or ORVI. But, knowing and observing uncomplicated disease prevention measures, one can minimize the risk of infection.
What diseases belong to infectious
Diseases that cause infectious bacteria to enter the body are dealt with by infectiology. An infectious disease itself is the body’s response to an alien microorganism or virus entering it. Continue reading
Rubella: for whom a childhood illness can be dangerous?
Rubella is a viral infectious disease that occurs quite easily in childhood, but harder in adulthood. Rubella is especially dangerous during pregnancy, because it causes severe malformations in the fetus and may even lead to its death.
What you need to know about rubella?
Rubella is a very contagious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. You can also become infected through household items, but worst of all, this virus is transmitted from a pregnant woman to the fetus. The patient is contagious about a week before the appearance of the first rash and this is another week after the onset of the rash. If a person does not have specific immunity to rubella developed by an illness or vaccines, the probability of getting sick after contact with a rubella patient is 90% or even higher. Continue reading
Why a woman is pregnant
Some women generally think that having to know about their pregnancy is optional. Others on the contrary – having learned that they will become a mother, begins to look for clinics and a doctor for pregnancy. Many couples, on the contrary, plan only how their child will have a baby and want to prepare the body of their future mother for this responsible and far-reaching period … Let’s understand what such maintenance / pregnancy is and why there is such a medical service at all.
What are the pros and cons of women’s counseling Continue reading