From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach
The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is…

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Bronchial asthma: modern treatment methods
The incidence of asthma in Ukraine is increasing every year, especially among children. Where does…


Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections
Rabies is a deadly disease that, in almost 100% of cases, is fatal (there are…


Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…

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public register

From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach

The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is endoscopy. This procedure not only allows you to diagnose a number of diseases in the early stages, but in some cases even save lives! Some people are afraid of this procedure and are horrified when the doctor prescribes endoscopy of the stomach and intestines (or gastroduodenopia – endoscopy, which is essentially the same thing). Although this procedure can not be called pleasant, it lasts only a few minutes, but then the doctor has a complete understanding of your problem and will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.
When it is necessary to pass EGD Continue reading

Insect bites: how to protect health and provide first aid

Summer time is not without insects. But the bites of some of them cause not only an allergic reaction: often an infection gets into the wound at the site of the bite and this skin area becomes inflamed. In addition, some insects, such as ticks, are themselves carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to remember the methods of prevention from insect bites and be able to provide proper assistance if you or someone close to you was attacked by a bee or was bitten by a mosquito.
How to protect yourself from mosquitoes and do not harm yourself Continue reading

Treatment of Allergy Without Drugs: Is It Possible?

Today allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances – allergens. Its manifestations are various, the most common are allergic dermatoses (urticaria), respiratory allergy (respiratory), allergic enteropathy (intestinal disease) and anaphylactic shock. In severe cases, allergies can be fatal. Abandoned allergy is the right way to bronchial asthma. Therefore, any allergic reactions require treatment. Modern allergy offers many techniques for the treatment of allergic reactions, including – and non-medicated.
How to find out what you are allergic to Continue reading

"Incompatible" illness: why it is important to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures
Proctologist - a doctor to whom patients are reluctantly recorded, and most often only if…


Why is it dangerous to strip off birthmarks? Possible consequences and first aid
Birthmarks are benign tumors on the skin, which usually do not endanger the health and…
