What is enterovirus infection? How to deal with it?
Enterovirus infections are groups of diseases that arise from the introduction of an RNA-containing virus…

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What is a cholera?
Today in Yemen, the epidemic of cholera rages, the world health system headed by the…


New method of dealing with allergies - molecular diagnostics
Allergic diseases are the third largest disease in Ukraine. The prognosis of physicians is such…


Should I treat allergic rhinitis?
Allergies and rhinitis caused by various allergens are often not perceived as a serious problem.…

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proctologist will

Treatment of Allergy Without Drugs: Is It Possible?

Today allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances – allergens. Its manifestations are various, the most common are allergic dermatoses (urticaria), respiratory allergy (respiratory), allergic enteropathy (intestinal disease) and anaphylactic shock. In severe cases, allergies can be fatal. Abandoned allergy is the right way to bronchial asthma. Therefore, any allergic reactions require treatment. Modern allergy offers many techniques for the treatment of allergic reactions, including – and non-medicated.
How to find out what you are allergic to Continue reading

Bronchial asthma: modern treatment methods

The incidence of asthma in Ukraine is increasing every year, especially among children. Where does such data come from, if medical statistics based on appeals to medical institutions only mean that only 3% of Ukrainians suffer from this disease?
Are we facing asthma?
The fact of the matter is that the real incidence rate of these data does not reflect: according to the Association of Allergologists of Ukraine, official data reflect only every 20th patient with allergic reactions, including asthma. Continue reading

“Incompatible” illness: why it is important to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Proctologist – a doctor to whom patients are reluctantly recorded, and most often only if there are serious negative symptoms. The reluctance to contact a specialist after the detection of the first signs of the disease is due to some inconvenience that people experience during the inspection. At the same time, timely consultation of the proctologist and the prescribed therapeutic course would allow him to quickly resolve such a problem as an anal fissure or hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of proctologic diseases
Many proctologic diseases have a similar symptomatology. Continue reading

Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach
The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is…
