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Treatment of Allergy Without Drugs: Is It Possible?

Today allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances – allergens. Its manifestations are various, the most common are allergic dermatoses (urticaria), respiratory allergy (respiratory), allergic enteropathy (intestinal disease) and anaphylactic shock. In severe cases, allergies can be fatal. Abandoned allergy is the right way to bronchial asthma. Therefore, any allergic reactions require treatment. Modern allergy offers many techniques for the treatment of allergic reactions, including – and non-medicated.
How to find out what you are allergic to
To find out exactly what the allergy is in the patient, the doctor makes allergic tests: the allergen in the form of an extract or ointment is applied to the skin and make an intradermal prick test (pre-test) or scarification (scratching on the skin). Usually allergy occurs after 5-20 minutes as a local reaction, in other cases, allergy may occur after 24-48 hours. Sometimes the allergen manages to detect the first time, but usually have to do several tests – on different substances. After finding an object that is allergic, the doctor prescribes treatment. The first thing that he does, as you yourself guess – is strongly advised to get rid of the allergen or to minimize contact with it.
Methodology for the treatment of allergies by non-medicated means
If with seasonal allergy in most cases it is possible to determine an allergen quickly, then an allergy to a lot of other household items, dust, fungi, etc. requires not only complex diagnostics, but also detoxification of organs and systems that suffer from the adverse effects of allergens. Often, the reaction of the immune system to allergens (rash and itching of the skin, runny nose, lacrimation, etc.) arise from the appearance of fungi, bacteria, helminths that act as a source of infection and the release of toxic substances in the body. In some people, allergic reactions cause food, even worse, for those who have allergies to medicines – how to treat a person with medicines in this state?
To do this, there are comprehensive therapeutic programs that allow not only to determine the factors of allergy, but also to cleanse the body from their destructive action. First, we should begin with consultations with a number of profile specialists: a doctor-therapist, a physician of functional diagnosis, an ozonotherapist, a pediatrician, a doctor of folk and non-traditional medicine, an informer therapist. It is also necessary to undergo a survey: ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, ECG, general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis, blood sugar, etc.). The modern method of diagnosis of allergy is a special expert method of spectral analysis, which allows to detect the presence of more than 250 species of parasites, fungi, viruses, bacteria; to identify food, domestic, infectious allergens; and pick up the necessary food; there are no vitamins and trace elements.
It is important to adhere to all doctor’s recommendations in the fight against allergies
In the treatment of allergic reactions, it is important to have a meal: a mandatory diet without prescription, the administration of herbal teas that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-hemorrhoid and laxative effects, which promotes cleansing of the liver and the whole organism. Orthogradic rinsing of the entire digestive canal with a “mountain crystal” is also used, which allows you to restore the absorption processes in the thin intestine. The uniqueness of this procedure is that in a short time it is possible to clear 200 m2 of the villa’s area of ​​the small intestine.
It is effectively aided by therapeutic exercises, back massage and collar zone, ozonotherapy – a new non-drug method for treating allergies, which leads to improved microcirculation, activation of immunity, improved tissue supply with oxygen and blood purification. A public register of medical institutions of Ukraine will help you to choose a clinic for the treatment of allergies: if you choose the clinic yourself difficult, you can apply for free assistance to our specialists.

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