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Pigment spots on the skin: how to get rid of them?

Freckles and age spots also appear with such a long-awaited spring sun. In most cases, the pigmentation of the skin in the spring is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays. But not only the sun provokes the appearance of pigment spots, as well as violations or changes in hormonal levels (during pregnancy, for example). But uneven skin pigmentation can also be a sign of diseases of internal organs or the result of the use of poor-quality cosmetics. Therefore, before you rush to remove blemishes or whiten your face, it is important to understand the cause of skin pigmentation disorders.
What are pigment spots and why they appear
The most common pigment spots are freckles, chloasms, moles, lentigo, and the so-called age pigmentation of the skin. Freckles are often a genetic trait for pigment metabolism disorders in the skin cells. The brighter the sun’s rays and the longer they affect the skin – the more freckles appear. Moles (nevi) have everyone and the greatest growth and appearance of moles on the body occurs during puberty.
Chloasma is a yellowish-brown or brown spot with jagged edges that often appear on the face. A lentigo – a dark spot with clear edges formed on the skin at any age. After 45 years old age spots appear: they can be caused by age-related changes in the body, as well as by increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin in youth. In addition to a long stay in the sun, age and hormonal changes, the appearance of age spots on the skin can lead to:
Skin injuries, frostbite and burns
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), liver, gallbladder, kidney
Use of poor-quality or unsuitable cosmetics, passion for skin peeling, which leads to a violation of the produced pigment melanin
Vitamin deficiency – especially C, PP, B9 (folic acid).
Pay attention to the diet and find out the cause of pigment spots
To find out the cause of the violation of skin pigmentation, you can initially contact a dermatologist: a specialist will find out what kind of education appeared on the skin. If there are complaints about the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then a consultation of a gastroenterologist, etc. Otherwise, any procedures, whitening, creams and masks will not bring the desired result. It is also important to balance the diet, so that there is enough vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, legumes, greens, eggs, lean meat in the diet. If you often visit the sun or enjoy a visit to the solarium, then it is important to reduce such “sunbathing” and use protective equipment for the skin.
In case of improper skin care, a cosmetologist will help in understanding the problem. It is important to know what type of skin you have, what products and components, even natural ones, can cause an allergic reaction, promote clogged pores, etc. Do not buy cosmetics incomprehensible from the hands or expired. It is also dangerous to independently squeeze acne on the face, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Unsuccessfully squeezed pimple can lead to infection and the development of severe inflammation, leave a spot on the skin or deep scar.
How to remove age spots at home
You can whiten your skin with various masks of natural oils, products, etc. However, such masks can be made only if there is no inflammation on the face, acne, scars, redness, etc. In addition, homemade masks will not give such an effect as removing pigment spots from a beautician. Initially, it is important to follow the skin, do not forget to wash off cosmetics before bedtime, use not only creams, but also tonic, lotion and other means to clean the skin.
Lemon and grapefruit helps to whiten the skin, but if the skin is dry and prone to redness, it is impossible to wipe it with pure citrus juice. Lemon juice can be diluted with clean water 1: 1. And it is better to freeze the juice of grapefruit and gently wipe freckles or pigment spots with such ice. Also, a good effect gives a mask of white clay, fresh cucumbers, parsley.

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