What is angina and how to treat it?
When we hear the word "treatment", we understand that we are talking about the illness…

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Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself
Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can…


Careful parasites: how not to get infected with animals
With the onset of summertime, the risk of catching an infection from our smaller brothers…


Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…

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visit to the solarium

Pigment spots on the skin: how to get rid of them?

Freckles and age spots also appear with such a long-awaited spring sun. In most cases, the pigmentation of the skin in the spring is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays. But not only the sun provokes the appearance of pigment spots, as well as violations or changes in hormonal levels (during pregnancy, for example). But uneven skin pigmentation can also be a sign of diseases of internal organs or the result of the use of poor-quality cosmetics. Therefore, before you rush to remove blemishes or whiten your face, it is important to understand the cause of skin pigmentation disorders.
What are pigment spots and why they appear Continue reading

Live and inactivated vaccines: what is the difference, which one is better?
Vaccination is an important preventive measure for many serious diseases, it plays a key role…


Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…
