Insect bites: how to protect health and provide first aid
Summer time is not without insects. But the bites of some of them cause not only an allergic reaction: often an infection gets into the wound at the site of the bite and this skin area becomes inflamed. In addition, some insects, such as ticks, are themselves carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to remember the methods of prevention from insect bites and be able to provide proper assistance if you or someone close to you was attacked by a bee or was bitten by a mosquito.
How to protect yourself from mosquitoes and do not harm yourself
Special tools such as repellents, fumigators, sprays or body creams, etc., will help to repel mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors. Fumigators are used indoors: the device is plugged in, a special container with liquid or a plate soaked with an insecticide is placed inside it. Repellents can repel insects for several hours and are mainly used in nature: these are various emulsions, sprays, etc.
However, the abuse of repellents, especially when it comes to children, may result in the same allergic reaction or even poisoning. Therefore, when using repellents in children, choose a children’s series of means of protection. The smells of basil, anise, cloves, eucalyptus also help scare away insects, but not everyone can like them, some of these plants (especially the essential oils of them) can cause an allergic reaction. An important point of protection against mosquitoes and other insects is the presence of mosquito nets on the windows.
The bite of an ordinary mosquito is not dangerous in itself, the danger of occurrence of skin infections occurs if you scratch the bite, especially with dirty hands. After insect bites, including the mosquito, you should gently wash the affected area with warm water and soap, then treat the bite with an antiseptic, apply a soothing agent. If swelling is formed – then a cold compress, then a clean, dry dressing.
What are dangerous bee and wasp bites?
The bites of bees and wasps are dangerous not only by the body’s allergic reaction to poison, but also by its toxic effects. The most dangerous are bites in the face, lips, tongue, neck: an allergic reaction can cause swelling, difficulty breathing or inability to breathe, so in this case the victim is urgently hospitalized. If a bee has bitten, then it is necessary to remove the sting and the bag of poison from the skin: this should be done carefully by hooking the sting with a fingernail, with a sharp object, preferably with tweezers. The bite site should also be treated with an antiseptic, if necessary – apply ice (just not on the naked body). Painkillers and antihistamines can help reduce pain and swelling.
Going to nature, grab a mini first aid kit
Bites from ants, midges, gadflies, centipedes and other insects can also cause an allergic reaction or inflammation. Some types of ants are especially aggressive: they can attack a sleeping person, so consider this fact when you sleep in a tent, etc.
Going to a picnic, and even more so to spend the night in the forest, be sure to stock up with repellents, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, painkillers and antiseptics, sterile bandage, mosquito nets.
Going for a long time to nature, ask in advance where the nearest medical facility is located, how quickly and how you can get there if necessary. Toxic reaction and angioedema can develop not only when a bee or wasp is bitten: if a person is simultaneously bitten by a large number of insects, then he can develop the following toxic reactions: headache, vomiting, diarrhea, a sharp rise in body temperature, convulsions or even loss of consciousness.