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The main summer allergens: prevention and treatment of pollinosis

Summer, like spring, is the season of flowering of many plants. It is pollen in most cases that causes pollinosis — an allergic reaction to pollen from flowering herbs, flowers, shrubs, etc. When breathing on the mucous membrane of the nose of a person suffering from allergies, pollen stimulates the immune system. For immunity allergy pollen is perceived as a foreign aggressor and the immune system begins to actively produce antibodies to fight it. Some foods, spices, household items, smells, etc. may further enhance the effect of allergens.
The main culprits of summer pollinosis
Since the beginning of summer, most trees have already faded, the main allergens of the summer period are flowers and herbs. Pollinosis can cause grass plants, which both grow by themselves or are sown on urban lawns. Therefore, resting on the grass in a city park or an allergic park may result in a runny nose, cough, tearing, itching of the skin and other allergic symptoms.
In the middle of summer, the Compositae flowers begin to bloom massively: nettle, plantain, and also weeds. Ambrosia and quinoa are the main weeds-allergens that provoke allergic reactions in many people. Especially a lot of these weeds in the private residential sector, so if in urban areas the destruction of ambrosia is included in municipal programs and utilities are engaged in weeding, residents of private houses, to avoid allergies to ambrosia, have to destroy the weed themselves.
What factors, in addition to plants, contribute to allergies?
More than 20% of Ukrainians suffer from various allergic reactions (not only pollinosis), according to medical statistics. In the summer, in addition to flowering plants, food products, mainly berries and fruits, can cause allergies. The most famous allergen is strawberry, and raspberries, blackberries, currants and dark grapes can also cause an allergic reaction.
Especially carefully it is necessary to introduce berries and fruits into the diet of children under 3 years old. Strengthen the action of allergens or cause a separate reaction can be loved by many spices: vanilla, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper. If you have pollinosis, then the use of these products can increase the allergic reaction. Also, pet hair, dust, insect bites, strong odors, etc. can also cause allergies or increase the irritating effect of pollen.
How to reduce the effect of allergens: prevention of pollinosis
As soon as the plant is allergen, or rather its pollen enters the body, the symptoms of the disease soon appear: swelling of the nasal mucous membranes, runny nose, cough, tearing, sneezing, nasal congestion, etc. Untreated pollinosis, like any allergic reaction, undermines the immune system and can lead to the development of asthma and other serious diseases.
Therefore, in case of an allergic reaction in a person, especially a seasonal one, it is necessary to be examined by an allergist or immunologist, identify allergens, try to avoid them, and also start preventive therapy (medication, the use of inhalers, nebulizers, washing solutions, etc.) before the mass flowering season . To minimize exposure to allergens, you should:
Close windows in apartments and cars, especially in windy weather.
Stay away from mowed lawns
Avoid resting in the woods, choose ponds or sea coasts for picnics, where there are far fewer flowering plants.
During the period of massive pollen spread (5-7 in the morning and 17-19 in the evening), try to minimize outdoor exposure.
Returning home, immediately take a shower and put on clean clothes, do not forget about wet cleaning and allergen products.

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