Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?
The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning…

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What is the danger of measles and how to protect yourself?
In connection with a measles outbreak, you need to know what the disease is and…


Why is it dangerous to strip off birthmarks? Possible consequences and first aid
Birthmarks are benign tumors on the skin, which usually do not endanger the health and…


Prevention of infectious diseases: how to protect yourself and your family
Many of the diseases that cause viruses, fungi or bacteria that have entered our bodies…

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doctor will prescribe

What is angina and how to treat it?

When we hear the word “treatment”, we understand that we are talking about the illness of a person who needs help. It is possible to apply treatment when its cause is established, for example, ill-fated sore throat. So, the diagnosis is. What can help in the prevention of angina and, of course, in the treatment? We undertake this process, but not by ourselves, but with the help of a doctor. Self-treatment is a complete ban! Although for some of the symptoms, you can determine whether it is exactly a sore throat, and then provide yourself with first aid.
How do we imagine this?
Sore throat does not always talk about sore throat. Continue reading

Dangerous meningitis: how not to miss the disease

Meningitis is one of the most dangerous diseases. Untreated meningitis (inflammatory process in the meninges) leads to disability and even death. Germs, viruses, fungi can cause inflammation in the membranes of both the brain and spinal cord. The most commonly diagnosed are bacterial and viral meningitis. Children are more susceptible to this infectious disease, since their immune systems are weaker than in adults: the last case of meningitis, a 5-year-old baby, which was never saved, was diagnosed last month in Kiev.
Why is the topic of the incidence and prevention of meningitis relevant
Meningitis is dangerous because its first symptoms resemble flu. Continue reading

Vitamin D – the main medicine of the summer

Summer is a great time for healing the body with the gifts of nature, which are rich in vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and other useful substances. Of course, in the frosty season, you can also get from the multivitamins the whole complex of micro and macro elements, with the exception of one – vitamin D. Because this unique component that combines functions of both vitamin and hormone, unlike other vitamins consumed with food, produced in the human body independently, but it is under the influence of sunlight.
Well, in the midst of the hot season, each of us has the opportunity to please your body with vitamin D and thus prevent many serious diseases.
Vitamin D – nature’s concern for man Continue reading

Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself
Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can…
