Whooping cough: what is this disease and how to avoid it
Whooping cough is an infectious disease in which the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed and…

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Careful parasites: how not to get infected with animals
With the onset of summertime, the risk of catching an infection from our smaller brothers…


Rubella: for whom a childhood illness can be dangerous?
Rubella is a viral infectious disease that occurs quite easily in childhood, but harder in…


Insect bites: how to protect health and provide first aid
Summer time is not without insects. But the bites of some of them cause not…

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musculoskeletal system

Vitamin D – the main medicine of the summer

Summer is a great time for healing the body with the gifts of nature, which are rich in vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and other useful substances. Of course, in the frosty season, you can also get from the multivitamins the whole complex of micro and macro elements, with the exception of one – vitamin D. Because this unique component that combines functions of both vitamin and hormone, unlike other vitamins consumed with food, produced in the human body independently, but it is under the influence of sunlight.
Well, in the midst of the hot season, each of us has the opportunity to please your body with vitamin D and thus prevent many serious diseases.
Vitamin D – nature’s concern for man Continue reading

What is angina and how to treat it?
When we hear the word "treatment", we understand that we are talking about the illness…


Should I treat allergic rhinitis?
Allergies and rhinitis caused by various allergens are often not perceived as a serious problem.…
