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What is the danger of measles and how to protect yourself?

In connection with a measles outbreak, you need to know what the disease is and how to avoid it. Informed means armed.
What is special about measles?
Measles is a disease of acute viral nature. The main cunning of the disease is the very rapid spread by airborne droplets. It is very contagious. If a person has never received a vaccine and does not have immunity due to a previous illness, with a probability of 99% he will catch the infection when he comes in contact with measles.
Another insidious aspect of the virus is that there is no effective prevention to prevent it. The only effective way to not get sick is to receive twice the vaccination.
The disease itself is severe, but its main danger is complications. Measles can cause inflammation of the middle ear, lungs, measles, bronchitis, and rarely inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). Some complications are fatal.
How to recognize measles?
Identifying the disease is quite difficult. The incubation period is from 6 to 21 days. After that, symptoms appear. There is a temperature, cough, runny nose. Often this is accompanied by general fatigue, sleep disturbance and changes in mood. Symptoms are very similar to a common cold, so patients do not rush to see a doctor, and are treated at home.
After 4-5 days, a rash appears. First, it covers the face and head, gradually appearing all over the body. And only then patients begin to realize that this is not a simple cold. But during this time, they already manage to infect many people in their environment who do not have acquired immunity.
Cycle of the disease and its causes
Doctors claim that a measles outbreak was predicted. And they have repeatedly stated that it is critically important for all children to get vaccinated. And adults inquire about their childhood and find out if they received the vaccine.
Such outbreaks occur every 5-6 years. They are preceded by a general decrease in the number of vaccinations. As soon as less than 97% of children are vaccinated per year, outbreaks occur. Doctors warn about it, but parents either irresponsibly relate to their responsibilities, or believe misinformation that this can harm the health of the baby.
How to protect yourself?
The only way to feel safe during an outbreak is timely vaccination. For reliable results, it is carried out to children twice. The first time – at the age of one year, the second – at 6 years. If, for any reason, it is not done, the adult needs to be vaccinated twice, as well. There should be at least a month between procedures.
100% guarantee that a person does not get infected is not given. But the percentage of vaccinated measles patients is very low. And the disease in this case proceeds much easier and faster.
There is no cure for measles.
Doctors strongly advise to use modern advances in medicine, including vaccines. They proved their effectiveness and saved millions of lives.

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