Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…

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New method of dealing with allergies - molecular diagnostics
Allergic diseases are the third largest disease in Ukraine. The prognosis of physicians is such…


Intestinal dysbiosis: a disease that does not exist?
Practically each of us has heard such a thing as intestinal dysbiosis. We hear about…


What is botulism?
Botulism is an acute toxic and infectious disease in which severe damage to the human…

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abdominal skin

Pneumonia: how not to miss pneumonia

In patients with pneumonia, the “classic” history of the disease: caught a cold, was treated, began to recover, but … The temperature returned, the cough, shortness of breath appeared. It is very important not to miss the beginning of the development of the disease and to diagnose the disease in time.
How not to miss the development of pneumonia? What is the danger of this ailment and is it necessary, if pneumonia is suspected, a chest X-ray is performed? Let’s see.
What types of pneumonia are
Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an infection of the lungs. There are several types of disease: bacterial pneumonia, viral, atypical (the disease is caused by so-called “atypical” pathogens – chlamydia, etc.), fungal. About half of the cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses. There are viral pneumonia on the background of the cold season and under the influence of the same viruses that cause influenza and ARVI. Children are more prone to this type of disease. Continue reading

What is bone tuberculosis? Causes, Symptoms and Consequences of the Illness

Tuberculosis of bones is a disease of the musculoskeletal system of a person, which is characterized by the progressive destruction of bones. This disease leads to anatomical and functional disorders of the affected parts of the skeleton. Bovine tuberculosis is the most common form of tuberculosis after pulmonary tuberculosis. Often, the pathological process develops in the spine, but occurs in other parts of the musculoskeletal system.
Development of bone tuberculosis and its causes
The tuberculosis wand penetrates the spongy bone divisions and causes the primary cell (aphtha) that spreads to the joints and surrounding tissues and causes their destruction. Continue reading

Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease

Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin
Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to life. This is a severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (in most cases), eyes, skin. The main threat during this illness is not inflammation, but the toxin produced by the causative agent of diphtheria, which causes the damage to the cardiovascular and nervous system.
Diphtheria is caused by bacteria, the so-called diphtheria sticks, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, much less often – through household items.
Diphtheritic toxin has a very negative effect on the myocardium, developing myocarditis, as well as it can provoke an infectious-toxic shock, a general intoxication of the body, severe disorders in the work of the nervous system. Continue reading

Why is it dangerous to strip off birthmarks? Possible consequences and first aid
Birthmarks are benign tumors on the skin, which usually do not endanger the health and…


Live and inactivated vaccines: what is the difference, which one is better?
Vaccination is an important preventive measure for many serious diseases, it plays a key role…
