What is bone tuberculosis? Causes, Symptoms and Consequences of the Illness
Tuberculosis of bones is a disease of the musculoskeletal system of a person, which is…

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Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


What is enterovirus infection? How to deal with it?
Enterovirus infections are groups of diseases that arise from the introduction of an RNA-containing virus…


Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?
The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning…

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Villi located

Pneumonia: how not to miss pneumonia

In patients with pneumonia, the “classic” history of the disease: caught a cold, was treated, began to recover, but … The temperature returned, the cough, shortness of breath appeared. It is very important not to miss the beginning of the development of the disease and to diagnose the disease in time.
How not to miss the development of pneumonia? What is the danger of this ailment and is it necessary, if pneumonia is suspected, a chest X-ray is performed? Let’s see.
What types of pneumonia are
Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an infection of the lungs. There are several types of disease: bacterial pneumonia, viral, atypical (the disease is caused by so-called “atypical” pathogens – chlamydia, etc.), fungal. About half of the cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses. There are viral pneumonia on the background of the cold season and under the influence of the same viruses that cause influenza and ARVI. Children are more prone to this type of disease. Continue reading

The main summer allergens: prevention and treatment of pollinosis
Summer, like spring, is the season of flowering of many plants. It is pollen in…


Live and inactivated vaccines: what is the difference, which one is better?
Vaccination is an important preventive measure for many serious diseases, it plays a key role…
