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Bitterness in mouth, heartburn and abdominal pain: how to suspect bile reflux

Problems in the biliary tract often have characteristic symptoms. Most often, the reflux of bile in the stomach and esophagus occurs during the development of gastroduodenal reflux: this condition occurs with diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract and duodenum, or with improper feeding and overeating. Do not be afraid of many incomprehensible medical terms, but you should understand what is behind them and why unpleasant symptoms begin to bother.
Why bile enters the stomach
Gastroduodenal reflux is not a disease itself, but a symptom that indicates a problem in the digestive organs. If a person is healthy, the bile, which is produced by the liver and accumulates in the gallbladder, is sent to the duodenum, and then to the lower intestinal tract. If the bile began to be thrown into the stomach, then this indicates a malfunction in the sphincter that separates the stomach from the duodenum.
The reasons for which bile begins to be thrown into the stomach can be caused both by diseases of the digestive system, and violation of the diet:
constant overeating
preference for fatty, fried, smoked, salty spicy dishes, salted or stale food
habit of drinking carbonated drinks
late prem food after which the person goes to bed immediately
sharp physical exertion immediately after eating
congenital defects in the structure of the digestive organs
injuries and neoplasms, surgical interventions
uncontrolled medication.
Symptoms of bile reflux into the stomach and esophagus
The reflux of bile, as we found out, can also occur in healthy people. But if such symptoms appear more often, then it is no longer possible to postpone the visit to the doctor. The throwing of bile into the stomach can manifest itself:
pain in the abdomen pulling character
bitterness in the mouth and bloom on the tongue
nausea, up to vomiting bile
thirst and general weakness.
Why bile throwing is dangerous
Bile, getting into the intestine, helps break down fats and neutralize the effect of gastric juice. When bile enters the stomach, it causes inflammation of the mucous membrane, injuring it and causing the formation of erosion, gastritis. If bile enters the stomach too much, then it can begin to throw into the esophagus. On the esophagus, bile has a particularly negative effect, contributing to the degeneration of the tissues of the body into atypical, that is, uncharacteristic for it. What can develop into cancerous tumors. Not to mention the fact that frequent throwing of bile into the stomach causes reflux-gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease: under these conditions, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and the walls of the stomach and / or esophagus are constantly injured.
Casting bile into the stomach: what to do
If you suspect bile reflux, you need to be examined by contacting a gastroenterologist: the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound and other examinations of the digestive organs. Only after identifying the true cause of bile reflux can a specialist be able to find the right way to remove bile from the stomach and restore the correct flow of bile and the pancreas. To alleviate the condition and reduce the reflux of bile will help change the diet:
you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day
refuse fatty, fried, spicy, salty, seasoning, alcohol and soda
To improve the work of the intestines and gall bladder, include in the diet pumpkin, prunes, dried apricots, carrots, honey, zucchini, bran.
If you are worried about bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, heartburn and other symptoms of bile reflux, then before you see a doctor, boiled water will help to remove discomfort. It should be drunk in several receptions. Only up to 1-1,5 liters (in the absence of the formation of edema). You should also add to your diet oatmeal and kefir, do not overeat, reduce the consumption of coffee and juice and stop smoking.

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