Rabies: sources of infection, symptoms and projections
Rabies is a deadly disease that, in almost 100% of cases, is fatal (there are…

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Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…


The main summer allergens: prevention and treatment of pollinosis
Summer, like spring, is the season of flowering of many plants. It is pollen in…


Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…

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longer possible

Bitterness in mouth, heartburn and abdominal pain: how to suspect bile reflux

Problems in the biliary tract often have characteristic symptoms. Most often, the reflux of bile in the stomach and esophagus occurs during the development of gastroduodenal reflux: this condition occurs with diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract and duodenum, or with improper feeding and overeating. Do not be afraid of many incomprehensible medical terms, but you should understand what is behind them and why unpleasant symptoms begin to bother.
Why bile enters the stomach
Gastroduodenal reflux is not a disease itself, but a symptom that indicates a problem in the digestive organs. Continue reading

Butterfly children: how to help the sick with severe skin ailment?
A child is an innocent being who deserves only attention, love and hope for a…


How to strengthen the immune system and why do we need immunity
March 1 is not only the beginning of spring, but also World Immunity Day. This…
