What can be infected from pets: the danger of toxoplasmosis
Pets can be not only a source of good mood, but also pose a real…

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What is a cholera?
Today in Yemen, the epidemic of cholera rages, the world health system headed by the…


"Caught" tick: how to remove an insect without harm to health
Camping, unfortunately, often spoils insects - especially ticks. This year they are especially active and…


Prevention of infectious diseases: how to protect yourself and your family
Many of the diseases that cause viruses, fungi or bacteria that have entered our bodies…

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never been tasted

Bitterness in mouth, heartburn and abdominal pain: how to suspect bile reflux

Problems in the biliary tract often have characteristic symptoms. Most often, the reflux of bile in the stomach and esophagus occurs during the development of gastroduodenal reflux: this condition occurs with diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract and duodenum, or with improper feeding and overeating. Do not be afraid of many incomprehensible medical terms, but you should understand what is behind them and why unpleasant symptoms begin to bother.
Why bile enters the stomach
Gastroduodenal reflux is not a disease itself, but a symptom that indicates a problem in the digestive organs. Continue reading

Why a woman is pregnant

Some women generally think that having to know about their pregnancy is optional. Others on the contrary – having learned that they will become a mother, begins to look for clinics and a doctor for pregnancy. Many couples, on the contrary, plan only how their child will have a baby and want to prepare the body of their future mother for this responsible and far-reaching period … Let’s understand what such maintenance / pregnancy is and why there is such a medical service at all.
What are the pros and cons of women’s counseling Continue reading

Ultrasound examination of pregnant women: why, at what time and for what?

Ultrasound for the future mother is not only an opportunity to “get acquainted” with your baby before his birth and to know the sex of the child. Ultrasound examination is prescribed to pregnant women at different times in order to diagnose the health of the baby and mother, so it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan on time, with a qualified specialist and with modern medical equipment.
Ultrasound examination of pregnant women: why does a woman need such a diagnosis? Continue reading

Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?
The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning…


Live and inactivated vaccines: what is the difference, which one is better?
Vaccination is an important preventive measure for many serious diseases, it plays a key role…
