Summer without hepatitis A: jaundice prevention
Jaundice (Botkin's disease) or hepatitis A is a seasonal disease. It is in the summer…

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What is angina and how to treat it?
When we hear the word "treatment", we understand that we are talking about the illness…


Why is it dangerous to strip off birthmarks? Possible consequences and first aid
Birthmarks are benign tumors on the skin, which usually do not endanger the health and…


Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…

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information content does

Live and inactivated vaccines: what is the difference, which one is better?

Vaccination is an important preventive measure for many serious diseases, it plays a key role in the issue of preserving the health of the nation. Therefore, you should understand what preparations it is carried out. Depending on the type of vaccine introduced, specific, but quite normal, reactions of the body to it may occur. Do not be afraid of this, it is important to know more useful information about vaccinations, and then the fear will go away, and awareness and understanding will take its place.
The main types of modern vaccines Continue reading

Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself

Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can be of several types, but today let’s talk about the depriving infectious nature. The source of infection can be not only a sick person, but also an animal, the soil on which the causative agents of the disease fell. In the summer, the risk of picking up the lichen increases, so it is important to know the “enemy by sight”.
How to understand what it is exactly?
It is impossible to give a 100% correct diagnosis to yourself, you are not a dermatologist and you hardly have a laboratory at your place to do research and analyzes. Continue reading

From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach

The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is endoscopy. This procedure not only allows you to diagnose a number of diseases in the early stages, but in some cases even save lives! Some people are afraid of this procedure and are horrified when the doctor prescribes endoscopy of the stomach and intestines (or gastroduodenopia – endoscopy, which is essentially the same thing). Although this procedure can not be called pleasant, it lasts only a few minutes, but then the doctor has a complete understanding of your problem and will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.
When it is necessary to pass EGD Continue reading

Whooping cough: what is this disease and how to avoid it
Whooping cough is an infectious disease in which the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed and…


Pigment spots on the skin: how to get rid of them?
Freckles and age spots also appear with such a long-awaited spring sun. In most cases,…
