The main summer allergens: prevention and treatment of pollinosis
Summer, like spring, is the season of flowering of many plants. It is pollen in…

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Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…


Varicocele - the cause of male infertility: how to treat the disease
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord or varicocele is one of the causes of male…


Intestinal dysbiosis: a disease that does not exist?
Practically each of us has heard such a thing as intestinal dysbiosis. We hear about…

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finally develops immune

Feeling of dryness in the mouth and in the eyes – signs of Sjogren’s syndrome

Dry mouth and the so-called dry eye syndrome are signs of many diseases, but if these symptoms are observed in a complex and chronic, it is possible that a person suffers from Sjogren’s syndrome. What is a disease and how to treat it?
Shegren’s syndrome, or dry syndrome, is a disease characterized by dry eye and mucous membrane of the mouth, which is associated with some autoimmune disease. The most common “companion” to Sjogren’s syndrome is inflammation of the joints, which has autoimmune nature.
How and why develops Sjogren’s syndrome? Continue reading

Allergy to breast milk in children: symptoms and risk factors

Milk is a useful product that contains calcium, various vitamins and minerals, rich in proteins and fats. However, milk is not always useful for children, and in some babies (about 10% of the total) milk allergy is present. How to understand that this problem is just about your child?
Why is there an allergy to milk protein?
The protein that is part of the cow’s milk, falling into the body, breaks down into separate elements, which are usually well digested. However, in children, the digestive system is immature, and they may not have the necessary enzymes to split the protein. Continue reading

Stop diet: how easy it is to lose weight on fasting days
Summer is the best time to enrich your diet and lose weight without diets. In…


Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…
