Whooping cough: what is this disease and how to avoid it
Whooping cough is an infectious disease in which the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed and…

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Изоляция: от утепления до защиты от влаги
Pigment spots on the skin: how to get rid of them?
Freckles and age spots also appear with such a long-awaited spring sun. In most cases,…


Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…


New method of dealing with allergies - molecular diagnostics
Allergic diseases are the third largest disease in Ukraine. The prognosis of physicians is such…

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tetanus is especially dangerous

Tetanus: be careful in the country

In the summer, in the midst of the summer season, you need to be especially careful when taking time to take preventive measures to prevent infection with a dangerous disease like tetanus. This is an acute, deadly infectious disease, which is characterized by damage to the nervous system, a very likely fatal outcome. Tetanus bacillus enters the human body through mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes, so you should be careful during active country work.
How can you get tetanus?
The causative agent of tetanus is the spore-forming bacteria Clostridium tetani. They are resistant to disinfection, can be in the soil, on different objects. At one place these bacteria can persist for about 100 years. They are waiting for favorable conditions and are transformed into vegetative forms that produce an extremely dangerous poison. Continue reading

Bitterness in mouth, heartburn and abdominal pain: how to suspect bile reflux
Problems in the biliary tract often have characteristic symptoms. Most often, the reflux of bile…


What can be infected from pets: the danger of toxoplasmosis
Pets can be not only a source of good mood, but also pose a real…
