Insect bites: how to protect health and provide first aid
Summer time is not without insects. But the bites of some of them cause not…

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Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?
The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning…


Intestinal dysbiosis: a disease that does not exist?
Practically each of us has heard such a thing as intestinal dysbiosis. We hear about…


Treatment of Allergy Without Drugs: Is It Possible?
Today allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances - allergens. Its manifestations are various,…

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medical assistance

What is botulism?

Botulism is an acute toxic and infectious disease in which severe damage to the human nervous system occurs. The causative agent of botulism is in the intestine of animals, birds, fish, and from there it gets back to the soil and water. Bacteria of botulism, called anaerobes, live exclusively in places where there is no air, and therefore badly washed, uncleaned, hermetically packaged food is extremely dangerous.
The main danger of botulism is that the toxin blocks the respiratory function of a person, the lack of oxygen provokes the disruption of the work of all internal organs. Botulinum toxin is the most potent biological poison in the world, it is hundreds of thousands times more dangerous than poison, for example, rattlesnake. However, it quickly loses its harmful properties during heating and boiling. Continue reading

Allergy to breast milk in children: symptoms and risk factors
Milk is a useful product that contains calcium, various vitamins and minerals, rich in proteins…


Careful parasites: how not to get infected with animals
With the onset of summertime, the risk of catching an infection from our smaller brothers…
