Varicocele - the cause of male infertility: how to treat the disease
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord or varicocele is one of the causes of male…

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Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…

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person needs

Summer without hepatitis A: jaundice prevention

Jaundice (Botkin’s disease) or hepatitis A is a seasonal disease. It is in the summer and early autumn that infectious disease specialists report outbreaks of jaundice. Hepatitis has several types, but today we will talk about hepatitis A, which, unlike other types of the disease, is transmitted through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables or fruits, water, etc. (fecal-oral route of infection). It is in the summer, in the season of mass outdoor recreation, bathing, walking, picnics, fresh vegetables and fruits, the risk of jaundice increases.
Symptoms of Hepatitis A: What Dangerous Disease Continue reading

From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach
The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is…


How to strengthen the immune system and why do we need immunity
March 1 is not only the beginning of spring, but also World Immunity Day. This…
