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Intestinal dysbiosis: a disease that does not exist?

Practically each of us has heard such a thing as intestinal dysbiosis. We hear about dysbacteriosis in advertising of various medications, also, in case of problems with the stomach and intestines, the doctor often makes a similar diagnosis. However, the advanced medical community believes that this disease does not exist. Dysbacteriosis is not a separate intestinal disease, but a condition in which the ratio of various microorganisms inhabiting the intestine is disturbed. Thus, dysbacteriosis is a syndrome that leads to certain diseases, which leads to changes in the intestinal microflora.
Why does intestinal dysbiosis occur?
The microflora in the human intestine is formed from birth: this process is influenced by the environment and food. The main group of microorganisms that inhabit the intestines are bifidobacteria and bacteroids, associated microorganisms – lactic acid bacteria, E. coli, enterococci, clostridia, residual microflora – staphylococcus and fungi. Intestinal microflora performs three important functions – protective (suppressing infection), digestive and synthetic.
The balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed during treatment with medicines (most often with antibiotics), with infectious diseases, unbalanced and irregular nutrition, stress, smoking and frequent use of alcohol. Also, dysbacteriosis often develops with age-related changes – in the elderly and premature babies. An imbalance in the intestinal microflora occurs with problems with the digestive organs – gastritis, pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, colitis, etc.
What are the symptoms of dysbiosis
Dysbacteriosis is most often manifested by disorders of the digestive organs: constipation and diarrhea, increased gas formation, abdominal pain, nausea, belching, etc. With the imbalance of intestinal microflora, the absorption of beneficial trace elements and vitamins is disturbed, and hypovitaminosis develops. A person becomes irritable, quickly gets tired, deteriorates and dries the skin, nails and hair becomes brittle, there are cracks in the corners of the mouth, an allergic rash on the skin.
Treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis
Gastroenetrologist will help to diagnose disorders in the balance of intestinal microflora and find out the cause of dysbacteriosis. The doctor will prescribe a laboratory examination to choose the right therapy, and also recommend a diet. Treatment of dysbacteriosis is complex and it is not possible to immediately achieve a stable result: it is necessary to normalize the microflora in the intestine, to achieve a normal flow of bile, the functional activity of the pancreas, etc.
First of all, fermented milk products help to restore the intestinal microflora, the diet should be balanced in protein and energy composition and contain foods rich in fiber. Alcohol, fatty, fried, spicy foods and pickles should be discarded. To avoid the development of dysbiosis, it is important to eat fully, treat diseases in time, and be active. It is important that the intestines work and empty regularly, and the food is well digested.

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