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Should I treat allergic rhinitis?

Allergies and rhinitis caused by various allergens are often not perceived as a serious problem. Unfortunately, many people still believe that special treatment in this situation is not required. In fact, both allergic reactions and allergic rhinitis (medical name – rhinitis), cause serious impairment of the immune system. Allergy is called the World Health Organization one of the leading factors in the development of asthma. In addition, allergic rhinitis itself dramatically impairs the quality of a person’s life: persistent nasal discharge, lacrimation, sneezing reduce performance, prevent full enjoyment of life, etc.
Why does allergic rhinitis occur?
The most common in the warm season is seasonal allergic rhinitis, which is caused by a reaction to pollen of flowering plants (pollinosis). It is also quite common allergic rhinitis, which can occur not depending on the season: when in contact with animal hair, household dust, various chemical compounds contained in the air, etc. With the development of this disease, hereditary predisposition to allergic diseases is of key importance.
If your close relatives are sick or suffer from bronchial asthma, allergic urticaria, various skin allergic reactions, then the risk of developing allergic rhinitis increases. Of course, you can and should try to limit contact with allergens (if you even know what provokes you runny nose and other allergic reactions – rash and itching of the skin, tearing, sneezing, nasal congestion), try to maintain cleanliness in the room, but not always . However, the constant nasal congestion can also be caused by anatomical features, transferred from infectious diseases of the respiratory organs, incorrect self-treatment, which only aggravated the problem. Therefore, only a specialist can return your normal breathing and help to forget about the problem.
What is dangerous untreated allergic rhinitis?
Most people with allergic rhinitis let the disease take its course, and go to the doctor when it is already “hot”. A serious complication, which leads to ignoring allergic reactions – is bronchial asthma. Also, allergic rhinitis without proper treatment leads to the development of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (antritis), also, according to medical statistics, half of patients with allergic rhinitis with no treatment develop allergic conjunctivitis, as a result, the ability to work drops sharply.
Long-term untreated rhinitis contributes to the formation of polyps in the nasal mucosa, which makes breathing more difficult and contributes to the complicated course of colds. If you are constantly worried about the above symptoms, you should consult with an allergist, and also get examined by an otolaryngologist (ENT specialist). Since the treatment must be versatile and complex for the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and successful struggle with it, the therapy is carried out with two given specialists.
Treatment and diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
An important point in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is the identification of the allergen. Allergy tests are assigned to evaluate the local reaction to the allergen, the blood test for immunoglobulins is specific antibodies, which helps to identify the cause of the allergic rhinitis. Also, the doctor, if necessary, prescribe a study of the paranasal sinuses – x-rays. Selection of drug treatment depends on the type of allergen (or several) identified, the patient’s age, the severity of symptoms, the presence of comorbidities and / or pathologies, etc.

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