What is bone tuberculosis? Causes, Symptoms and Consequences of the Illness
Tuberculosis of bones is a disease of the musculoskeletal system of a person, which is…

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Diphtheria: what you need to know about the disease
Diphtheria and diphtheria toxin Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, which is very dangerous to…


Butterfly children: how to help the sick with severe skin ailment?
A child is an innocent being who deserves only attention, love and hope for a…


Bronchial asthma: modern treatment methods
The incidence of asthma in Ukraine is increasing every year, especially among children. Where does…

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strict diets

Stop diet: how easy it is to lose weight on fasting days

Summer is the best time to enrich your diet and lose weight without diets. In addition, summer activities – swimming, walking, rollerblading, cycling, etc. together with proper nutrition will help to become slimmer and lighter without forced diets and tedious classes in the gym .. In summer it is easy to arrange fasting days – there are enough vegetables, fruits and greens at reasonable prices.
Fasting day must be correct
Before you change your diet and arrange fasting days, it is important to consult with a nutritionist. Continue reading

Infectious lichen: why is it dangerous to treat the skin itself
Sore spots on the skin or scaly bubbles may be deprived. This skin disease can…


Temperature 37.2 - reason to consult a doctor: what will tell subfebrile
A serious illness that can develop in the body imperceptibly for the person himself can…
