Allergy to alcohol: why it occurs, how it manifests itself?
Allergy occurs not only on food or flowers of certain plants, but also on such…

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Stop diet: how easy it is to lose weight on fasting days
Summer is the best time to enrich your diet and lose weight without diets. In…


Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…


Tuberculosis is not only a disease of the poor: who risk getting sick
Tuberculosis is known to mankind since the Stone Age, but even modern society is not…

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also offer psychological support

Intestinal dysbiosis: a disease that does not exist?

Practically each of us has heard such a thing as intestinal dysbiosis. We hear about dysbacteriosis in advertising of various medications, also, in case of problems with the stomach and intestines, the doctor often makes a similar diagnosis. However, the advanced medical community believes that this disease does not exist. Dysbacteriosis is not a separate intestinal disease, but a condition in which the ratio of various microorganisms inhabiting the intestine is disturbed. Thus, dysbacteriosis is a syndrome that leads to certain diseases, which leads to changes in the intestinal microflora.
Why does intestinal dysbiosis occur? Continue reading

Poisoning food or alcohol on vacation: what to do?

The season of picnics and vacations began, and with it the risk of food poisoning increased. In the heat, food spoils much faster, and if, in addition, you have not roasted meat for shashlik or poorly washed vegetables, then the long-awaited outdoor recreation can result in vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), etc.
What to do when food poisoning
If after eating food, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then urgently need medical assistance. Especially if, in addition to these symptoms, the body temperature rose above 38 degrees, and chills began: such signs indicate a serious intestinal infection. Continue reading

From gastritis to anemia: what will help identify endoscopy of the stomach

The most accurate and informative method for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is endoscopy. This procedure not only allows you to diagnose a number of diseases in the early stages, but in some cases even save lives! Some people are afraid of this procedure and are horrified when the doctor prescribes endoscopy of the stomach and intestines (or gastroduodenopia – endoscopy, which is essentially the same thing). Although this procedure can not be called pleasant, it lasts only a few minutes, but then the doctor has a complete understanding of your problem and will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.
When it is necessary to pass EGD Continue reading

Why a woman is pregnant
Some women generally think that having to know about their pregnancy is optional. Others on…


Prevention of infectious diseases: how to protect yourself and your family
Many of the diseases that cause viruses, fungi or bacteria that have entered our bodies…
